
International Institute for Intelligent Technologies

The International Institute for Intelligent Technologies (IIIT) is a leading academic organization dedicated to advancing education and research in cutting-edge computing technologies, with a primary focus on Artificial Intelligence and its applications.
Founded with the vision of bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation, IIIT serves as a global hub for students, researchers, and industry professionals.

About us

Our mission encompasses three core pillars: education, research, and industry collaboration. Through comprehensive academic programs, workshops, and specialized training modules, we equip learners with the skills needed to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of intelligent technologies. Our curriculum combines fundamental principles with hands-on experience, ensuring students develop both theoretical understanding and practical expertise.

IIIT maintains a strong emphasis on research and innovation, supporting projects that push the boundaries of AI applications across various sectors, including healthcare, sustainability, and automation. Our international network of faculty members and researchers brings diverse perspectives and expertise, fostering a rich learning environment that promotes cross-cultural collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The institute also serves as a vital bridge between academia and industry, facilitating partnerships that translate research into real-world solutions. Through regular seminars, conferences, and industry-sponsored projects, we create opportunities for meaningful engagement between students and leading technology companies.

By combining rigorous academic standards with practical industry insights, IIIT prepares the next generation of technology leaders to drive innovation and shape the future of intelligent technologies.


A Few Facts About Our Institute

Research projects
Current Teachers & Researchers
International Conferences

Most relevant Activities


The International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR) is the premier, annual meeting of the CBR community and the leading international conference on this topic.


This conference aims to bring together experts from the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health to explore the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the application of AI in mental health.


This workshops explores innovative AI methodologies and applications that also contribute to solve global and regional social and ecological challenges.


El objetivo de este diplomado es que nuestros estudiantes conozcan las posibilidades de la Inteligencia Artificial, sin perder tiempo en los detalles técnicos que no sean imprescindibles para adquirir las competencias necesarias para valora la viabilidad de una solición basada en IA.

Research Project

This project proposes an alternative solution based on the collection of practical and validated use cases that can be reused in auditing similar AI systems.

Research project

The main objective of this project is to build a catalogue of comprehensive AI explanation strategies that can be captured from the user experience in different domains and applications


This conference aims to bring together experts from the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health to explore the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the application of AI in mental health.

Cursos en español

Aun siendo un instituto con presencia en el ámbito científico internacional, el IIIT ofrece programas de formación con la mayor calidad en español.

Diplomado Internacional en Inteligencia Artificial (ONLINE)

Este es el principal curso impartido por el IIIT. Al realizar el Diplomado Internacional en Inteligencia Artificial obtendrás:

  • Una visión completa y general de los distintos tipos de inteligencia artificial como los modelos de predicción y clasificación, visión artificial o los grandes modelos del lenguaje como ChatGPT.
  • Fundamentos básicos de desarrollo de soluciones de IA con el lenguaje de programación más extendido tanto en los entornos académicos como empresariales: Python
  • Las competencias necesarias para aplicar soluciones de IA a casos de uso reales de empresas e instituciones.
  • Diferenciar y evaluar el rendimiento y aplicabilidad de los distintos modelos de aprendizaje máquina (machine learning) tanto para clasificar o predecir eventos.
  • Conocer el amplio abanico de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo (deep-learning) tanto para el reconocimiento de imágenes como para otras tareas avanzadas
  • Diseñar y aplicar soluciones basadas en grandes modelos del lenguaje (tipo ChatGPT o similares) para crear chats y generar texto, imágenes o voz a través de las distintas herramientas facilitadas por la empresas punteras del área (OpenAI, Azure, ...)


Let's get in touch

  • Email Address
  • America headquarters
    Merida, Mexico
  • Europe headquarters
    Madrid, Spain
  • Website URL